
  • Musical Theater

    We offer all components of theatrical training involving acting, singing and dancing in all levels: beginning, intermediate and advanced which meets the criteria of the California State VAPA Standards and National Arts Core Standards


    We offer all styles of dance: hip hop, jazz, ballet, tap, lyrical, and contemporary which meets the criteria of the California State VAPA Standards and National Arts Core Standards

    Show Choir/Ensemble

    We offer all levels of vocal performance: beginning, intermediate, advanced which meets the criteria of the California State VAPA Standards and National Arts Core Standards

    Tech Theater

    We offer beginning and intermediate tech theater classes that are instructed within the musical theater curriculum. Students learn sound/light design and stage management in order to run technical components of our musical productions.

    Video Production

    We offer video production classes that instruct students on how to construct their own independent films all the while honing various skills such as storyboarding, scriptwriting, filming and editing.