Ideas for Switch Play activities (capability switches)
Ideas for using Message Switches
50+ Ideas for using (Talking) Message Switches
A slightly adapted handout from TalkLink, an Assistive Technology organization in New Zealand. Lots of ideas for using message switches in fun and real-life ways (not just to answer a question!).
Seven Stages of Switch Development guide by Luke Thompson
7 Stages of Switch Development
This guide takes you through 7 steps of development, starting with activating a single switch to make something happen, all the way to using two or more switches to control a computer, communication device, or other systems. There is a cute character and a storybook (available for loan from our office, or for purchase ) to go with each stage.
Online Switch-Accessible Activities
On the left side of the page, you can choose activities for single-switch use, two switches, learning to use a (regular or adapted) mouse, or activities to use with an eyegaze controller.
"The Goal is not to 'Hit the Switch!'" handout